
Hello, “Adopt Me” enthusiasts! Before you set sail on the seas of adoptmevalues.org, there are a few things we need to map out. Consider this the legend on our treasure map – it’s here to guide you safely!

Information Accuracy

  • Valuation Fluctuations: Just like the “Adopt Me” market, pet values, and trade rates can change faster than a pet can hatch. We do our best to keep up-to-date, but we can’t guarantee perfect accuracy at all times.
  • Guides and Tips: Our how-to’s and guides are crafted with care and based on the current state of the game. But remember, every “Adopt Me” journey is unique, and your experience may vary.

No Endorsements

If we link to another pirate ship (site) or give a shoutout to a trader (third-party), it’s for your information only. We’re not saying they’re as trustworthy as we are – so always be cautious.

No Affiliation

We love the game, but we’re not part of the official Roblox crew or the creators of “Adopt Me”. We’re just passionate players charting the same waters you are.

User Responsibility

You steer your ship here. How you use our information and advice is totally up to you, and you’re responsible for any decisions you make in the game.

Non-Professional Advice

We’re all about “Adopt Me”, but we’re not financial advisors or legal eagles. Our advice is for gaming fun only, not for real-world investing or legal matters.

Changes and Updates

Adopt Me” evolves, and so does our site. We’ll update our content, but it’s on you to keep an eye on the date of our posts and guides.

No Liability

We hope your “Adopt Me” experience is as smooth as calm seas, but if things go sideways, we can’t be held liable for what happens in your game based on the information provided here.

Your Consent

By using our site, you’re waving the white flag of agreement to this disclaimer. If you don’t agree, it might be time to abandon ship (leave our site).

Contact Us

If anything here is as confusing as a riddle from a talking parrot, reach out. We’re here to clarify so you can get back to enjoying “Adopt Me”.

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